Thursday 21 May 2020

Remembering you

I have been thinking long and hard about the trajectory of this blog. It started off with me narrating some of my less than stellar experiences, promptly followed by the lessons I learnt so that you wouldn't have to. In retrospect if I was to put a label on it, academic-lifestyle? I was on the up and up, a sense of progression. The organic progression should have been post-grad life. After all the lessons out of the classroom are far more invaluable than the ones inside. I had an audience, tangible at that, living, breathing people who visited this space, some on the regular, others, one post would have them tumbling down the literallylovely rabbit hole. A single DM here, an email there,  of someone who stumbled on this blog and thought, why not pay me a compliment.

Those really were the good times.

 The tone  has changed. Simply put, it seems I focus a lot more on what I do not have, what I am not and what I want.

Tonight though, let's revisit some of the past. Sure there is a lot I am not, but I need to remind myself what I am, and here is how you do that:

Acknowledge that you are reading a little bit too much into something that though mattering to you at that very moment, is just that a momentary thought.

Comparison may have stolen your joy. It sure has stolen some of my joy a couple of times. In these situations, I suggest have a long hard think with yourself, do you want because you want or do you want because others have?

Unplug. Remove yourself wholly and entirely from the situation that has brought about this unsettling feeling. For me, I find avoiding social media like the bubonic plague does the trick.

Remind yourself of what you like about yourself. It could be something as minuscule as drinking more water, sleeping a lot earlier, working out once a week or working out, period, or something major, like always finishing what you start or having an unwavering value system.

Find a healthy outlet to use as a sounding board. I am highly skeptical of people so I write, at least, sometimes, I do. Sometimes hearing or seeing the words stark naked in front of you offers a whole different perspective. 

Remember, you are doing nothing wrong. There is no blue print to doing life right, living it is just about enough.

Allow yourself to be (you're human, be) and question,why-them-and-not-me type thing, get angry if you must.

If these feelings do persist almost feeling like a nag, pray on it. Ask for it and brace yourself for the answer. Maybe what you want is coming your way just not at your earliest convenience.

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