But in the famous words of one of my favorite rappers, K. Dot, better known as Kendrick Lamar, "MY best days ARE stress days". Of course only when I look back on them because in the moment, disappearing into thin air is one of those offers which I might just take up. Therefore, I come from the future, promising that as corny as this sounds one day you will look back on this and laugh.
So here are my tips and tricks on how I get over my down-in-the-dump days:
1. Read the Bible. I will be honest enough to say that I do not do this as often as I should, but when I do, it does more than pick me up,it has me hangin' on cloud nine. A good Bible verse or even a whole chapter does the trick. Its always good to know that G-O-D is watching down on little old me. After some WE-Time (God and I), I always like to end it with a word of prayer. An essay of prayer is more like it. My prayer requests sometime run from here to the Himalayas , I find it best to write them down and come back when the whirlwind that is my life comes down and literally count my blessings; ticking off my answered prayers.
Didn't I tell you, you'll one day look back on this and laugh? Here is your moment.

3. Watch a series. For me, I tend to be a reality type of girl. So, you can find me mentally bucking on command from Miss D of Lifetime's Dancing Dolls or rooting for Nia and her "sloppy feet", laughing at Kendall's developed sense of humor,or hoping that 'Kenzie, lives up or better yet surpasses the bar set by Maddie, her sister. Forget Dance Moms, call me a Dance Sister. I am sure Miss Abby cannot help but roll her eyes at me.
4. Indulge in a guilty pleasure. OREOS! Twist, Lick and Dunk! You my friend have just changed the game. Go easy though, you don't need cavities in your life.
5. Sleep. Is there a problem that a good snooze can't solve, at least temporarily? Especially when it's cold outside and the heavens decided to pour down solely on you and you change into some cosy pajamas, wrap yourself like a burrito in a blanket, get some hot cocoa going, a treat and the icing on the cake, a good movie/series/book. Go on then, the land of Zzzz awaits.
6. Read a good book. There is nothing like getting lost in a world other than your own. One minute you're this stressed, fatigued, college student strutting your stuff in the hallways in this season's get-up, comfy tee and pants, (never gets old) and the next your in Holland with Ann Frank putting even a church mouse to shame at how quiet you are.
8. Talk to a friend. A friend who you can tell the good, the bad and the ugly. A friend who you can laugh at yourself in front of. A friend who when you put your phone down on or end that Skype session, a positive sigh of relief and an ear to ear smile is left on your face.
9. Drop everything and just breathe. For a while at least.
There you go, go show The Existential Crisis who's boss.